Professional automated billing & invoicing for commercial and residential lawn care & landscape maintenance businesses made easy.

As you can see on the example billing statement above, our lawn care & landscaping billing software invoice shows your customer the date each service was performed or the date a T&M (Time & Materials) item was charged to the customer's account as a line item under the Account Activity section of their bill.
Any payments made, whether by check, cash or credit/debit card are shown on the date they were received.
The billing statement has 2 lines for notes to customers such as "Have a happy and safe holiday"or "Get 20% off your next lawn care service for referring us to a friend". The message you write will appear on every invoice for the selected customers.
Whether your customer account is residential or commercial, our billing software prints attractive, professional, simple to understand invoices with your logo on top. If you don't have a logo, our computer software will print just your company name in large text at the top of the invoice. We do offer predesigned logos for purchasing or, as a convenience, we also offer a service to take your own logo and format it for our invoices.
Your companies address, phone numbers, email, website (if you have one), and chemical applicator license number (if you have one) also prints on the bill.
To make the invoice easier to read for your customer, our lawn care & landscape billing software will the print the Amount Due in a slightly larger text and highlighted.
The name in the 'Make Checks Payable To' can be different than your company name.
The invoices for all selected customers print all at once so you can walk away and come back later. Afterwards, all the invoices will be waiting in your printer for you to fold them at your convenience. The program also has the ability to print the bills for just the customers in a schedule or route so that you may drop them off on-site. In addition, the software can email the invoices.
Use your own plain paper to print the billing on or save money on ink & toner by buying our preprinted invoice forms. Our forms are perforated at the return portion of the bill, making your lawn care & landscape business look more professional.
Our lawn care and landscape billing software was designed to make invoicing a breeze. Once the bills are folded, insert them into our double-window shipping envelope. No labels needed. The envelopes needed are a common type and can be found anywhere, however, we sell them much, much cheaper than anyone else. Save money and buy our billing envelopes.

As shown in the billing image above, if desired, the 2nd page of the invoice billing can show service details that are up to 1,000 characters; which is almost 1 full page of additional information you can provide to your customer about a service or billing item. Use the long service billing descriptions for notes, instructions or detailed explainations to customers regarding any services or items related to your lawn care and landscaping business.

Print Bills screen shot from our GroundsKeeper Pro lawn care and landscaping billing software.

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