Secure Shopping
Shop with confidence!
Your Security is Our Priority
Your security is a priority at Adkad Technologies, Inc. To provide credit card security and keep your personal information safe, we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, the most widely used data encryption coding system for secure e-commerce transactions. All of your information is encrypted (scrambled) prior to being sent over the Internet to our system. To protect your information once we receive it, we place it on systems behind secure firewalls, which are communication-management computers designed to keep information safe and inaccessible to other Internet users.

Safe, Convenient, Secure Shopping
For quick repeat shopping on our site, you can create an account where we also store your credit card information in our system using that same technology. Shopping at Adkad Technologies is safe, convenient and secure.
To confirm that your connection is secure, look for a locked padlock icon or solid key icon at the bottom of your browser window. The letters "https" (rather than "http") located in the URL address window at the top of your browser also indicate that you are using a secure browser.
If at any time you are uncertain about the security of our site, view our Privacy Policy or call us. To phone in an order, call our toll-free ordering line and a customer service representative will be happy to help you.
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